If You Want To Make Stacks of Money Online And Let 2010 Be The Year You Quit Your Job, But Don't Know Where To Start or Who To Turn To For Help, Then You Need To Sit Down For 10 Minutes And Read Every Word On This Page!
Here's why….
Introducing The World's Quickest & Simplest Point & Click Website Builder, Designed For People Who Want To Make Fast Cash Without Needing To Be A University Graduate With A Ph. D In Rocket Science…
Multi Profit Websites gives you the chance to earn up to 70% commission promoting products you don't even own. You simply type in your name, fill in a few basic details, click your mouse button (to save what you just typed in) and your Multi Profit Website is ready to go...
It's as simple as that!
Watch the short video below to see for yourself:
It's as simple as that!
Watch the short video below to see for yourself:
Would YOU Like Your Very Own Website Up and Running In Less Than 30 Minutes, Even If You Haven't Got a Clue About Web Design?
Well, that's exactly what we offer here... and it doesn't stop there! We've done all the hard work for you, so you really do have to just 'click and edit', even a small child could build a site with Multi Profit Websites!
Multi Profit Websites allows you to create your website around any niche you choose without the need for any complicated HTML code knowledge or in fact, any experience at all.
By using your unique Multi Profit Websites Control Panel. No matter what line of business you are in, or your website content, you can build and develop your website's around any chosen niche. You can even change your website as your business grows with the click of a button.
Versatility is The Key to Success
Not only does Multi Profit Websites provide you with a massive income potential, you can also use it as a full time business. For example, if you run a weddings website, a car sales website or even a news letter, your business information can be integrated to your website very simply with the use of our easy edit admin panel. With our content archive you can create over 50 niche content websites in no time at all.
With Multi Profit Websites, you can create as many niche content websites as you wish. Create only one site per week and in 12 months time you could have 52 niche content websites all earning you a small fortune.
Would You Like us to Explain a Little More and Show You Some Examples?
Take a look at the video below and we'll tell you more:
Multiple Streams Of Income
(Many Streams Make a River)
You've read it in the forums, heard it in teleseminars, seen it on numerous sales pages, you know you should be bringing in multiple streams of income but you just don't know where to begin.
By creating Multiple Streams of Income with Multi Profit Websites, we will show you the way to a river of revenue. If you could create a website which earned you 10 Dollars per day, how many would you create?
Would You Like To See More?
Here at Multi Profit Websites, we are so confident that you will succeed with your websites business we are offering you a massive 60 day money back guarantee:
Simply login to your unique Multi Profit Websites admin control panel we provide, here you will have full access to all the features Multi Profit Websites has to offer. No HTML knowledge is needed to edit your website! |
Edit your website via our 'Easy Edit' feature, all you need to do is enter your details. The whole process is so simple a child could do it. In a matter of minutes your website is ready. Here you can also edit and add content so your website is 100% unique. |
That's it! You have your very own unique website that can generate multiple streams of income for years to come. You can then simply keep adding to your income streams with more and more websites. Very soon you will have a river of cash flowing into your bank account! |
No Two Multi Profit Websites Are The Same!
You can edit your website and customize it to your own exact specifications and have a website that is completely unique to you. When we say 100% we mean 100%!
Check out just a few of the admin panel features that you get in your website
Check out just a few of the admin panel features that you get in your website
Admin Settings - edit and change your username and password to one unique only to you. This secures your admin panel to only you. | |
Personal Settings -insert your details which will be used for visitors to contact you via email on the contact form on your website. Just like your own helpdesk. | |
Basic Website Settings - edit your website header, footer, copyright details, welcome text, index page content and lots more. This will make your website totally unique to you. | |
Website S.E.O Settings - optimize your website by simply inserting your website key words to soar up the search engine rankings. You can also add your website tracking details in here too. | |
Website Theme Settings - choose from over 40 different pre-installed themes to create your website, at the click of a button. You also have the option to use a custom theme of your own if you choose. | |
Custom Content Settings - use the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor and our unique 'drag and drop' feature, if you wish display Custom Content in your website. Here you can insert your product graphics, business content, products, or anything else you wish to display, to make your website more unique. | |
Adsense Settings - insert your AdSense code to display your Google AdSense paying ads. Each click will earn you revenue. | |
Amazon Settings - insert your Amazon affiliate ads to create your own Amazon affiliate income stream. | |
Clickbank Settings - insert your Clickbank ID to activate the Multi Profit Websites unique key word optimized Clickbank Ads Rotator. A very simple way to generate a lot of cash. We have also included your very own affiliated Clickbank marketplace search feature so anybody who searches for any Clickbank product in your site will automatically be affiliated to YOU! | |
eBay Settings - Insert your eBay username and affiliate ID to show your shop items and auctions or any auctions you choose to show from any seller. This extremely powerful feature will enable you to earn an affiliate income from the massive eBay partner program. There are many additional settings in this section that you can use to customize your eBay display. | |
eBay Category Settings - This is another very simple, yet very powerful tool in your admin panel arsenal. By simply typing in what you wish to target, it will automatically link, through your affiliate link to that product search on eBay, you can add as many eBay categories as you wish. | |
Mailing List Settings - Inserting your autoresponder code will allow your visitors to Double Opt-in to your subscriber list, which will allow you to send them broadcast and predefined email responses. There is nothing more important than allowing your visitors to join your mailing list. With Multi Profit Websites, we make it real simple for you to do this. | |
RSS Feed Settings - We have built in your very own RSS feed reader into Multi Profit Websites. By simply selecting a category from a drop down box or even entering your own custom feed URL if you choose, you can show the very latest RSS feed content on your website for your chosen category. This is an awesome feature for showing brand new, up to the minute information on your site, keeping it fresh and informative. | |
Adding New Pages Settings - We have made it very simple for you to add and edit new custom pages to your website with the click of a button. There is no limit to the amount of pages you can add. | |
Affiliate Website Settings - All affiliates that we have supplied for you are free to join and are among the top rated and top paying affiliate websites in the world. You can choose to join as many or as little of these programs you wish, or simply add your own. Once again this will help your website become 100% unique to you and also gain additional revenue. | |
PayDotcom Settings - With the PayDotcom setting you simply insert your PayDotcom username and select a category from the drop down menu, then select your required color from the drop down menu and you then have your very own PayDotcom widget that pulls in all the best ads from the PayDotcom marketplace, all based around your chosen category. Every click has the potential to make you big money. | |
Resale Right Fortune Settings - Simply add a keyword related to your niche and your Resale Rights Fortune affiliate ID and instantly get targeted resale rights products listed on your site, complete with images, all linking to your very own affiliate ID. This really is an awesome tool that we have integrated into your site that both you and your visitors will love! |
Even More...
Remember, versatility is the key and we provide it for you. We supply for you over 200 niche content, 100% unique, brand new articles to help your business grow and grow. With over 40 topics to choose from, if you want your website to cover the sports niche, no problem, how about the Wedding niche, no problem. It's your website so add your content as you wish. With our content archive you can create over 40 niche content websites in no time at all.
"Of course you can use your own content if you want, it's your website, it's your call"
Now you have seen the simplicity and individuality you can achieve with Multi Profit Websites, you can now see the earnings potential. We really have made this website as easy as possible to edit and manage. Simply edit your website and your ready to start your business. It is as simple as that!
Seen, heard and read enough? Go grab yours now!
You have made a very easy decision with your 100% iron-clad money back guarantee and you are ready to start right now, by clicking the secure order button below. Buy Multi Profit Websites Now*Special Low Price For a Very Limited Time Only* Unlimited Use License | Unlimited Upgrades Dedicated Support Order processed online through ClickBank's Secure SSL Servers! Credit/Debit cards and PayPal accepted. Worldwide orders welcome. |