WP Remix 3.0 is Here!
WP Remix 3.0 - the only theme on the net that is both a Multi-Page Website and a Blog solution.
Over 45 templates to choose from. W3C compliant mark-up, multiple color schemes and flexible page layouts . . . you asked for it, Remix has it all!
Not just a theme.
A complete package.
WP Remix a WordPress powered master theme, is completely customizable, quality coded & comes bundled with many layout options that allows anyone to create a custom website in minutes instead of days and weeks, while maintaining top notch cross-browser display consistency.
- Ideal for EVERYONE!
Multi Purpose, hassle-free theme that covers almost every possible page layout imaginable. Remix will save you weeks of design time. - WordPress & Content Management at its best.
Insert a page template with a single click, then customize it in WordPress and publish! What's more, you can choose different sidebars and headers for different pages throughout your website for a truly custom look and feel. - Multiple Options - Easily Customized.
While most other themes offer only a Home Page and a Blog Page, Remix serves up a Blog + 10 Homepage options + 20 Inner page templates with different layouts + 10 product/gallery pages + 5 specialized Miscellaneous pages that offer Tabbed content, FAQ sliders, Content sliders, Testimonials and a Site Map page with Archives and Categories. - Light-weight, Professionally coded.
W3C compliant mark-up, tableless design & Cross Browser compatible, widget-ready, highly customizable...
How Does It Work?
While creating a page, simply insert a page template of your choice in the editor then edit it, non-destructively keeping the original template intact. That's not all! Using a simple drop-down selector choose a different sidebar or header for any page, then publish the final layout.- Upload & Activate the theme.
- Set Admin Options as mentioned in Theme Guide
- Create n Edit pages in Visual editor like a CMS.
- Done!
Helpful Resources
After your purchase of WP Remix, be sure to visit the resources section for detailed tutorials.*NEW* the tutorials mentioned here are being created as you read this, please be patient as we prepare this valuable asset. First tutorials availability is scheduled for 11/30/10
In addition to our extensive tutorials you are entitled to a free PHPBB3 template that has been customized to blend with the look and feel of the WP Remix theme.
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Check out our showcase to see what everybody has done with WP Remix!View Showcase »
View all of it at once
Take a look at Screenshot gallery that contains thumbnail of all the page templates that is included in the theme with a link to live demo.View ScreenShots »